Ash Wednesday-Isaiah 41:14-16
Author: PastorG
The Transfiguration Of Our Lord
Christ Remains Glorious For Us 2 Kings 2(1-12)
Bible Study Times & Places (Confirmands Trinity/Concordia)
Sundays: Concordia 9:45am, Trinity 4pm Wednesday 7:30pm: Concordia-2/18, 3/4, 3/18 Trinity-2/25, 3/11, 3/25 Any other Bible study attended outside of what pastor teaches or at another church needs to be approved. Skype is a possibility upon request, but not guaranteed for every class offered by pastor. PLEASE NOTE: Immanuel Lakefield study offered by Principal Johnson must […]
Bible Study Report (Confirmands of vacant churches) Choose one of the two links above. Cut and paste link into web browser. Pick a video to watch and answer the attached questions. Return to Pastor Gauthier at Each confirmand is to do three reports during Lent. Bible Study Report