On November 1st we celebrate All Saints Day. It is also sometimes referred to as the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. “Saints” are all true believers on earth and in heaven, both living and dead. However, in the Lutheran Confessions, the departed ones do not hold a higher “position” in the Church. We do not […]
The Reformation
On October 31st we celebrate The Reformation. On that date in 1517, a Monk named Martin Luther nailed a list of 95 theses to the door of The Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. They were issues he wished to call into debate with the Roman Catholic Church. Luther could no longer stay silent regarding the […]
Pastor Jacobsen is doing live Bible Study Devotions on Facebook weekday mornings at 9am. They will also be available for viewing afterwards at any time there or also on our YouTube site. We have a new Facebook page – Trinity and Concordia Lutheran Church. Check it out for Pastor Jacobsen’s live weekday Bible Studies and […]
Festival of St. Michael & All Angels
On September 29th we observe the Festival of St. Michael and all Angels. The word Angel comes from the greek angelos, which means messenger. Angels are not divine but created beings. They act at the Lord’s direction to speak His words, carry out His actions, or bring judgment or salvation. The phrase from the […]