
The Trinity Lutheran Church of Sioux Valley started as a mission church in 1921.  It was called St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.

The first confirmation class was confirmed by Rev. Cort Diab in 1922 with the following members: Delma Meyer, Clara Jacobsen, Freida Reckter, Mildred Boettger, John Jacobson, John Morris, Lewis Rodenberg, George Paulsen, and Adolph Finnern.

The first Lutheran pastor of our synod who did pioneer mission work in Round Lake and vicinity was Rev. E.J. Kallsen of Ocheydan, Iowa. Due to his efforts, the Minnesota District was influenced in placing a resident missionary in the Round Lake and Sioux Valley areas.

In September 1923, Rev. O. Volz was ordained and installed and resided in Round Lake. Rev. Volz held services in homes until 1926 when church was held in the Sioux Valley School and the Round Lake Legion hall on alternate Sundays. Rev. Volz served until 1925, when he accepted a call to Wilmar.

During the next three and one-half years, the mission was served by Rev. H. Kreiger, Brewster, vacancy pastor of Round Lake and Rev. E. Trapp, Okabena, vacancy pastor of Sioux Valley.

In 1929, the mission, with the aid of the mission board, called Rev. A.A. Shultz, who was installed in September. He resided in Round Lake and conducted services in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoons. Between 1929 and 1936, the church records were destroyed by fire in Rev. Shultz’s home.

In November 1929, the first Young People’s Society met in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kasch and drew up their first constitution.

On December 30, 1930, a decision was made to organize and incorporate as a congregation. The name selected was Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sioux Valley and Round Lake. This meeting was held in the home of Mr. Fred Meyer, Sr. Among the charter members who were present for the Adoption of the Certificate of Incorporation were: Chas. H. Baumbarn, Geroge Erbes, Adolph Finnern, Albert Finnern, Ed Jacobsen, John F. Jacobsen, F.W. Jacobsen, Gust Kasch, Fred Meyer, George Paulsen, H.F. Meyer, Wm. Paulsen, Wm. Place, Otto Preuss, Paul Rixman, Wm. Rohwedder, Frank Schmandt, Arnold Schoemann, Herman Schmann, Arnold Schultz, and Adolph Zinn.

In June 1931, the land east of the Sioux Valley Store was purchased for $100. This land was to be where the first church would be built. With the aid of the mission board, a basement church was built, measuring 26 x 60 with 8 foot sides at a bid of $1,175. The floor cost $125. Herman Finnern was in charge of building the platform for the altar, benches and the steeple for the bell. The altar was to be painted white with gold trim. About seven or more men helped build this church. The money was all borrowed and paid off by the Ladies Aid through money making projects. The altar, baptismal font, bell and a ton of coal were donated. In this new church, the men would sit on the west side and the women on the east side. The church board sat in the third bench from the front during church service.

The Round Lake members aided in the erecting of this first house of worship, but due to lack of transportation, many could not go to Sioux Valley. As a result, services and Sunday school were held in homes and in the town hall in Round Lake.

In 1937 Rev. Lieske was installed and resided in Round Lake for one year and then moved to the Raymond Meyer home. From that time on, Round Lake was served by Sioux Valley. One half of Pastor’s salary was paid by the congregation and one half paid by the missionary board.

On July 11, 1944, Trinity decided to buy one-half acre of land from Richard Schroeder for $250, and on October 8, 1946 it was decided to build a 1½ story parsonage. The parsonage was built in 1948.

In January 1951, it was voted on accepted to elect a finance board. Those elected at this time were Leonard Garms, Eston Rixmann, Harry Place, and Ed Rusch. In December 1952, it was decided to build a new church, 86 x 32 and to limit the cost of the building to $60,000.

On March 16, the congregation began to dismantle the basement type church. By March 18, we no longer had a place for the mid-week Lenten services. The Sioux Valley School board granted us permission to use the gymnasium for our church services. Hampered somewhat by a short spell of unfavorable weather, the basement was enclosed by the end of May. On June 14, 1953 the cornerstone was laid. On December, 6, 1953, the new church was dedicated.

In January 1954, a Baldwin organ was purchased for the new church. In January 1956, the old organ was sold. Fred Meyer bought the motor attachment for $7.00 and Robert Roslansky bought the organ for $7.00.

In 1963 a beautiful stained glass window was put in the balcony area.

On July 9, 1968, it was decided to have all the newly confirmed boys be ushers. Four boys each month would serve, which would be chosen by the head usher.

In the winter of 1971 the steps to the chancel were enlarged and the church carpeted.

On July 13, 1971 at the voter’s meeting, Pastor Flanscha reported that Trinity and Bethel should get a vicar to help in our churches. Rev. Johnson was called and he and Plastor Flanscha alternated services between Bethel and Trinity.

In 1973 it was decided to hire a church secretary. Up until this time the secretarial work had been done by the pastors.

In October 1974, Bethel of Round Lake and Trinity of Sioux Valley agreed to separate with Rev. Johnson serving Bethel and Pastor Flanscha remaining and serving Trinity.

On October 15, 1974, the voters decided to build a 26 x 50 addition to the west side of the church. By September 1975 the new addition was completed. The new addition consisted of four classrooms, library, Church office, secretary office, storage room and large narthex. The old church office is now the sacristy. New lighting was also installed in the church. Pastor Gary Arp, former member of Trinity was the guest speaker in the dedication of the annex on September 7, 1975.

At a voter’s meeting in March of 1975 a motion was made and seconded to start an organ fund and at the November meeting a motion was made and carried to buy an Allen Digital Computer Organ with five speakers which was dedicated on February 29, 1976.

On May 11, 1976, a weekday school was discussed and was approved to start with the fall tem of the public school. Grades 1-8 would be enrolled with about 90 students.

On July 27, 1976, a new double door church entry was installed on the south side of the church.  During the early 1980’s the Baptismal (Christ) Candle was added to the sanctuary.

In 1988, the ceiling tile in the nave was replaced with stained wood. Around that same time, air conditioning was installed in the church and the first office computer system was added.

In 1993, Pastor Mueller made arrangements for our once used Common Cup Communion ware sets to be sent to Russia to be used in Russian mission churches.

With donations and memorials, stained glass windows replaced the windows in the Nave in the early 2000’s. A new speaker system with wireless microphone was added and new carpeting was installed in the sanctuary, narthex, offices, and Sunday school rooms. The organ was replaced as a result of a lightning strike.

With a memorial a lighted exterior cross was added in 2004 which shines on the north side of our church. Stainless steel fixtures and new stoves replaced the old in the church kitchen in 2004.