
The first Lutheran services held in Lake Park were conducted by the Rev. E. Fiene of Ocheyedan during World War I. A few years later in the early 1920’s the Rev. K. Daib of Spirit Lake conducted services for the Lutherans in Lake Park. However, attempts to establish a permanent congregation were unsuccessful.

Years later, the Rev. M. J. Ansorge of Spirit Lake began preaching services. The city council granted permission to hold worship services in the city hall, and on August 2, 1942, the first service was held. There were 25 persons present for the first service.

On May 21, 1946 a meeting was held in which the constitution was adopted, and the congregation was organized under the name Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Congregation (U.A.C.) of Lake Park, Iowa. In a meeting held a week later the new congregation voted to incorporate, and a formal call was extended to the Rev. M.J. Ansorge who was installed as pastor on August 4. 1946.

The old church, a converted blacksmith shop, was moved to its present location on November 23, 1946. The first service was held in this building on December 22,1946. The building was formal dedicated on February 16, 1947.

The congregation continued to grow under God’s blessings until in the spring of 1955, 13 years after the first service in the city hall, a call was extended to our Synod’s Placement Board for a candidate to serve as the first resident pastor. The following June, Robert L. Weber accepted the call and was ordained and installed on August 14, 1955.

During the years there was a growing need for new and larger facilities to carry on the work of our church. No definite planning was done, however, until late in 1956 when the congregation resolved to seriously consider the possibilities of erecting a new house of worship. Mr. Alfred Hattendorf of Ocheyedan, head of Hattendorf Construction Company, was contacted to draw up plans for such a building. The plans were submitted to the congregation and approved.

An overture was then submitted to the District Executive Board in their January, 1957 meeting applying for a loan from the Church Extension Fund in order to begin construction in the spring. The request was turned back to the congregation for further planning. After a survey of the congregation was taken at which time a total of approximately $12,000.00 was pledged by members of the congregation, and after much more thought and planning, the request for a loan was again submitted to the District Executive Board at their April, 1957 meeting. At this time the Board acted to grant a loan of $19,000.00 to begin construction. The remainder of the $65,000.00 loan was granted at the District Convention in August of 1957.

Groundbreaking ceremonies were held on Sunday, April 28, 1957. This was followed by the cornerstone laying on August 4, 1957. Since that time the building progressed without serious interruption culminating in a dedication on May 25, 1958.