The Reformation

On October 31st we celebrate The Reformation. On that date in 1517, a Monk named Martin Luther nailed a list of 95 theses to the door of The Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. They were issues he wished to call into debate with the Roman Catholic Church. Luther could no longer stay silent regarding the Church’s false teachings about earning forgiveness through works or salvation by buying indulgences. He knew these teachings were wrong, being contrary to the Word of God and against Christ. The Reformation was a turning point when the Holy Spirit empowered Luther and others to re-affirm and hold fast to the true Word. They even risked their lives as they stood against the Roman Church and the mistruths it was purporting. In John 8:31-32 Jesus said “If you abide in my Word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. That’s what the Reformation celebrates and is really all about. Luther also translated the Scriptures from Latin into German, so now the people could read and study this restored truth themselves. The only forgiveness for sins comes through the blood of Jesus Christ, and this and all doctrinal truths are found in SCRIPTURE ALONE, and are received by us through FAITH ALONE, as a gift of Divine GRACE ALONE.

Scripture Readings for Reformation Day are: Revelation 14:6-7 Epistle- Romans 3:19-28 Gospel- John 8:31-36 or Matthew 11:12-19