The season of Christmas begins on December 25th and lasts until Epiphany on January 6th. On the Christian calendar, these are the 12 days of Christmas. Our Scripture readings remind us of things we observe in this short season. Of course, we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Word become flesh. We confess His Holy Nativity in the Nicene Creed, “who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from Heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, and was made man”. On December 28th, we observe the festival of The Holy Innocents. This memorializes when King Herod ordered all boys two years old and under to be killed. In his murderous jealousy, he felt threatened by the talk and prophecy over this newborn King. These children were the first martyrs for Christ. We remember the warning of the Angel to Joseph to take his family and flee to Egypt to be safe from Herod. There is also a festival day within this season on January 1st. We observe the Circumcision and Name of Jesus. This festival will be a separate article coming soon. Though a short season, they are twelve very special days. Oh come to us, Abide with us, Our Lord Immanuel !!
Christmas Season Gospel Readings– Matthew 1:18-25 John 1:1-14
Matthew 2:13-23 Luke 12:35-40 Luke 2:21 Luke 2:40-52