The Season of Advent

Our new Church year begins with the Season of Advent.  Advent means “a coming”.  The altar cloths and paraments for Advent are blue.  Blue is a royal color that is fitting as we ponder the coming of the King of Kings, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  It is also the color of the sky in which we will see him return in power and glory.  Advent is also a penitential time similar to Lent.  In preparing for our Savior who comes in the flesh, we ready our hearts through repentance.  Our Advent repenting leads to rejoicing as the Scripture readings appointed for this time share with us that our coming Savior suffered and died to redeem us.  The prophet Zechariah urges our rejoicing, “Behold, your King is coming to you, righteous and having salvation is He”.  May our hearts be both penitent and joyful as we await our Lord and King.