The Season of Easter

Beginning on Easter Sunday is the Easter Season. It is a fifty-day-long season of joy extending from Easter to Pentecost. During this time, the Church celebrates the end of Christ’s struggles and proclaims His victory over death and the reception of the benefits of His life, death, and resurrection as gracious gifts of love and mercy for all those who believe in Him. He was alive again, just as was prophesied. It is a season of praise, of wonder, and mystery, for the power of God has reversed the power of sin and death. The season concludes on the 50th day, the festival of Pentecost.  Starting on the day of his resurrection and throughout the first season of Easter, our Risen Lord showed himself alive many times and to many people.  Some of those times include when He appeared to the two on the road to Emmaus, to Peter, and twice through locked doors in the upper room to the disciples.   He later appeared to more than 500 people at the same time in Galilee.  His final appearance was at His glorious Ascension.   His mission on earth of redeeming mankind back to the Heavenly Father was complete.   He then returned to Heaven to prepare a place for us, even as He is still with us every day, until He comes again.