Camp VBS 2021: Trinity & Concordia will have a joint VBS day this year. Friday, August 20 at Camp Okoboji. We will meet from 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m at Camp Okoboji. Activities will include Opening, Songs, Devotion, Christian Growth, Gaga Ball, Swimming, 9-Square, Archery, Eagles’ Eggs, & Closing Devotion. Theme: 20/20 Vision Hebrews 12:2. […]
Posts in the Sermons category:
6th Sunday of Easter 2017 (Confirmation)
“Honoring, Defending, Hoping” 1 Peter 3(13-22)
5th Sunday of Easter 2017
“Life Fixed On Jesus” John 14(1-14)
Fourth Sunday of Easter 2017
“Life Together” Acts 2(42-47)