Toward the dawn, Mary Madalene and the other ladies were on their way to Jesus’ tomb. They wished to finish embalming His body for proper burial according to their customs. There was a great earthquake, and an Angel came from Heaven and rolled back the stone of the tomb. The Angel told them, “Jesus is […]
Posts in the Church Year Seasons/Festivals category:
The Annunciation
On March 25th we observe The Annunciation of Our Lord. By it we commemorate the day when the Angel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and give birth to God’s Son, the long-awaited Savior. The Annunciation should serve as a reminder to us of the strength of God’s love and the […]
Season of Lent
Lent is a 40 day Christian festival that begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes on Easter (Sundays are not counted). To begin this holy season, on Ash Wednesday some churches invite their members to come forward and receive the imposition of ashes. The Pastor applies ashes in the shape of a cross on the forehead […]
The Transfiguration of Our Lord
On February 19, we observe The Transfiguration of Our Lord. The Scriptures tell us that Jesus, along with Peter, James, and John went up on a high mountain. There Jesus’ clothes became a spectacular dazzling white, and His face shown like the Sun. Moses and Elijah were also there in glory talking with Jesus. This […]